Day-to-day Benefits - Health Plan


Benefit limits are usually allocated in calendar year cycles (from 1 January to 31 December) and is only applicable to the current year. Most benefits follow a one-year cycle.

Benefit limits will be adjusted on a pro rata basis should a member join during the year.

  • 1 GPs and Specialists - out of hospital
    info Annual limits are calculated as a family benefit and can be used by any beneficiary
    a Visits, consultations and treatment by a GP or Specialist

    info Member family limit per annual, calculated as follows:
          R4 210 per member
          R3 160 per adult dependant
          R2 650 per child dependant (maximum of three children)

    of Medical Scheme Rate

    b All procedures

    The following procedures will be paid at 100% of Medical Scheme Rate if done in the doctors rooms and not in hospital: Scopes (arthroscopies, gastro-intestinal endoscopies, gastroscopies, colonoscopies, sigmoidoscopies); urological scopes and cystoscopies; gynaecological scopes; biopsies; minor dermatological procedures; dental procedures - refer to dental benefits for more details on in-hospital dentistry (item 19 of Major Medical Expenses)

    of Medical Scheme Rate

    c Circumcision

    Done in doctor's rooms

    info Major Medical Expenses
    R1 940 per beneficiary per annum

    of Medical Scheme Rate

    d PMB Treatment Plan Services

    The Scheme will pay 85% of Medical Scheme Rate in respect of out-of-hospital services which are voluntary obtained by a beneficiary from a service provider, other than a DSP, for a prescribed minimum benefit condition, other than medicine for a prescribed minimum benefit chronic condition.

    warning Subject to treatment plan authorisation

    Major Medical Expenses
    Services in excess of the treatment plan will be paid from the GP/Specialist Benefit limit at 85% of Medical Scheme Rate

    of Cost

  • 2 Diagnostic Services - out of hospital
    info Annual limits are calculated as a family benefit and can be used by any beneficiary
    a Radiology (X-rays) and Pathology
    Including Bone Density Scans

    info Member family limit per annum, calculated as follows:
          R4 670 per member
          R4 670 per adult dependant
          R810 per child dependant
          (maximum of three children)

    of Medical Scheme Rate

    b Radiology and Pathology services as authorised on a PMB treatment plan
    Including Cardiac Ultrasounds

    Major Medical Expenses
    Subject to treatment plan authorisation
    Services in excess of the treatment plan will be paid from Radiology and Pathology Benefit limit at 85% of Medical Scheme Rate

    of Cost

  • 3Dentistry
    a Preventative dentistry

    Scaling and/or polishing and fluoride treatment

    info Two per beneficiary per annum

    of Medical Scheme Rate

    Fissure sealing

    info Once-off for permanent molars in persons under 24 years

    of Medical Scheme Rate

    bBasic dentistry

    Oral examination
    Diagnostics (X-rays, etc.)
    Restorations (fillings)
    Non-surgical extractions
    Root canal treatment

    info  R4 660 per beneficiary per annum

    of Medical Scheme Rate

    cAdvanced/Specialised dentistry

    warning Pre-authorisation required

    Inlays, onlays, veneers, crowns and bridges
    Study models
    Dental implants, placements, exposure and related procedures such a jaw ridge, sinus lifts, augmentations, etc.
    Orthodontic retainers, space maintainers and biteplates
    Periodontal (gum) treatment
    Wisdom teeth
    Orthodontic treatment for beneficiaries 22 years of age or older

    info R13 310 per family per annum

    of Medical Scheme Rate

    dDental implants

    warning Pre-authorisation required

    Includes the cost of the implants only - the anaesthetist and hospital fees are covered as part of Major Medical Expenses
    The treating dental specialist fee subject to the Advanced/Specialised Dentistry limit above

    info R18 060 per beneficiary per annum

    of Medical Scheme Rate

    eOrthodontic treatment

    warning Pre-authorisation required

    info R10 200 per beneficiary per annum
        Only for beneficiaries under the age of 21 year's
        Orthodontic treatment for beneficiaries over 21 years of age is subject to the specialised dentistry limit under 3(c) above

    of Medical Scheme Rate

  • 4Prescribed Medicine
    info Annual limits are calculated as a family benefit and can be used by any beneficiary
    a Acute medicines

    Acute medicines and injection material, including flu vaccines

    info Member family limit per annum, calculated as follows:
          R8 000 per member
          R5 030 per adult dependant
          R1 520 per child dependant (maximum of three children)

    of Mediscor Reference Price (MRP) after deduction of R30 levy per prescription

    b Over-the-counter (OTC) medication

    warning Also known as pharmacy-advised therapy (PAT), refers to medicines supplied by a registered pharmacist without a doctor's prescription

    info Up to a maximum of R300 per event R1 500 per family per annum
          Subject to Acute Medication limit

    of Mediscor
    Reference Price

    c Childhood Vaccines

    warning Childhood vaccines falls under the Wellness Benefit

    Refer to the Wellness Benefit

  • 5Medical Auxiliaries
    info out of hospital
    Podiatry, orthoptic treatment, audiometry/audiology, occupational therapy, therapeutic dietician, remedial and speech therapy, clinical technology, chiropody, biokinetics, chiropractor, social worker and homeopaths

    info R8 890 per family per annum for the above listed Medical Auxuliaries disciplines

    of Medical Scheme Rate

  • 6Physiotherapy
    info out of hospital

    info R5 850 per family per annum

    of Medical Scheme Rate

  • 7Mental Health
    info out of hospital

    Includes Psychologist and Psychiatrist

    info R6 260 per beneficiary per annum

    of Medical Scheme Rate

  • 8Optical Services
    aEye test

    info One test per beneficiary per annum from Major Medical Expenses

    of Medical Scheme Rate

    b Spectacles

    Lenses, replacements, repairs and
    adjustments, contact lenses and fitting of contact

    info Overall Optical limit of R3 570 per beneficiary per annum

    of Cost

    c Frames

    info R1 240 per beneficiary per annum, included in the Overall Optical limit of R3 410

    of Cost


    not_interested No Benefit

  • 9Contraceptives

    info R2 390 per female beneficiary

    Oral contraceptives
    Injectable contraceptives
    Intrauterine devices used for contraception only
    limited to one prescription per month to a maximum of R200 per prescription

    of Mediscor Reference Price (MRP)